Cattle Public Consultation

Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Cattle Public Consultation

Draft Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Cattle have been created, supposedly to create improved and nationally consistent rules for cattle care and management for all cattle farming enterprises in Australia.

You now have the opportunity, by 5pm on 6th of May 2013, to make a submission in relation to whether these draft cattle welfare standards will ensure the welfare of cattle.


Making a submission

Submissions can be made via email, fax or post and/or by completing the online survey.
They prefer respondents submit written comments electronically, but every submission counts so if you can’t do that, send in a hard copy.

If you care for cattle and you believe, like we do, that these standards are insufficient and do not properly protect cattle from inhumane treatment, please make a submission. You can include the following points:

The new standards will allow animals to be given painful procedures without pain relief, including branding, spaying and castration, dehorning and ‘disbudding’ (removing a calf’s small horns). Cattlemen and women will be allowed to strike animals, use electric cattle prods, electric immobilisation and more.

What most people consider basic minimum care – the daily provision of food and water, shelter and shade, and regular check-ups – will not be required.

You can point out that there is no real difference between cattle and cats and dogs in terms of the ability to feel pain and fear, and that these new standards do not provide the minimum protection that our society has come to expect.


Email cattle submissions to
Submissions may also be made via:
Fax: 02 6232 5511
Animal Welfare Standards Public Consultation
Locked Bag 3006

Also, please contact the Prime Minister to express your concern about the live export of animals from Australia.