Nepal has been struck by its worst earthquake in 80 years. The human death toll is high as is the animal toll. Thankfully Tree of Compassion has been on the ground to help. The Animal Liberation Sanctuary, Kopan is in the zone of the quake. Fortunately, all the staff and animals are safe. Tree of Compassion has been leading a disaster relief team on the ground Nepal headed by Phil Hunt, Tree of Compassion secretary and Animal Liberation Sanctuary Coordinator.
Our first task when the initial earthquake struck was to assess and reassure our animals at the sanctuary, the cows in particular who are more easily frightened, followed by ensuring the safety of the shelters and the security of the fences. Our goats and resident dogs are quite adept at escaping should the opportunity arise.
Our disaster relief team is extremely busy in Nepal. We have been conducting outreach veterinary services for animals in the Kathmandu valley and in rural villages further away, regularly joining forces with the Nepal Veterinary Association and SPCA Nepal. The two strong earthquakes, just two weeks apart, have left many animals injured, dehydrated, sick and traumatised. It is moving to see how worried people are about their animals. Heartening to see how quickly they have erected temporary shelters for them. The importance of these animals to the Nepalis emotionally and financially cannot be overestimated. The animals provide them with food, with manure for their fields, with income, with companionship. Many plants dutifully tended each day are for their animals.
We have been able to provide life saving veterinary aid to many varied animals and to alleviate their painful suffering. It is difficult and often dangerous work under strenuous conditions. It is also very emotionally exhausting. We are working to save animals but also to help people rebuild permanent and safe shelters for them over the coming months. We are only able to do this because of your support. Please make a donation today to help our work in Nepal.
We ask you to join us in saying prayers for all those sentient beings affected, human and animal alike.
For updates on the situation for animals in Kathmandu as they come in, follow us on Facebook. Read about the work carried out on the ground here.
In order to enable us to continue this lifesaving work, we need your help. With your support, we can reduce the suffering and provide the care and protection these animals deserve. You can help make a different to lives.