This morning we had an emergency at the Animal Liberation Sanctuary with on of our goats, Palden (which means “Glorious” in Tibetan) unable to urinate for the second day. Fearing a urinary blockage, which is painful and life threatenning, we tried a few things to reduce the pressure to no avail.
We tried contacting some of the international rescue vets who we thought could do emergency surgery if it was required. Unfortunately, one local Nepali animal organization in Lalitpur who we contacted because we knew they had international veterinarians there would not come up to help. They said they couldn’t justify sending anyone for one animal. They said we could bring him into the clinic if we wanted. We were frantic! We couldn’t take Palden to the clinic as it would require moving his distressed body up a narrow and difficult path to the nearest road, then a painful vehicle ride across town. We didn’t think he could cope. So we called another organization in the Boudha area which rescues street dogs (Street Dog Care) as we knew they also had international vets. Fortunately HSI veterinarians responded, with our local veterinarian Dr Umesh arriving about the same time.
On examination we were relieved it was not a blockage, but an oedema although the underlying cause was not clear. Everyone worked together to try and find immediate relief, an appropriate treatment to restore his wellbeing and a longer-term solution to the problem.
Dr Umesh and I then went out to check two dogs recently rescued and brought to a local animal charity (SPCA). On the way we kept coming up against road closures. Some are being repaired, some below dangerously damaged buildings. At one point Dr Umesh stopped at a small shop to ask directions around a road block. I noticed a young dog with a wound and before long we had him cleaned up and protected with some long acting antibiotics.
The two rescued puppies were dehydrated, suffering from mange and a little street-frazzled but no significant injuries. They were given some medication to speed their recovery and left with another dog in quarantine. A young calf has a more significant wound but should respond with daily cleaning, dressing and medication. While here it was a good chance to check the other animals and give them some loving pats and mantras.