Light Offerings for Christmas & New Year

Make this Christmas Day-New Year period even more special by sponsoring light offerings at Kopan Monastery in Nepal. As a special event, we will be making light offerings in Nepal on Christmas and New Year’s Day and you can join in, and help the animals at the Animal Liberation Sanctuary.

Make a $10 Donation and your light offering will be made at the stupas at Kopan Monastery on the day you choose and your dedication read out.

All proceeds go to the Animal Liberation Sanctuary, Nepal.

The benefits of offering lights to Buddhist holy objects is said to be many-fold. The offerings not only benefit you, the sponsor, but also those you dedicate the lights for. The donation will also go to supporting animals that have been rescued from death, and this too has great benefits.


Light Offerings

Light Offerings

To make your light offering, simply go to our donate page (you can also go to to donate through the FPMT website), make a donation of $10 or more and send us an email with a brief dedication (you can include background information in the email, eg if someone is ill etc). Your dedication will be read out during the light offering practice.


  • Choose Christmas of New Year’s Day (or make a donation for both)
  • Make the donation
  • Email us a brief dedication
  • Make strong prayers for success


Please email your dedications to us ( by the 22nd December 2013 to make sure we have them.